Gotta love this kind of a business meeting!

March 23, 2011 at 20:15 (Uncategorized)

As part of the Editorial Advisory Committee for Quilter’s Connection Magazine (, I am required to attend certain meetings and events.  Believe me, this is not a hardship.  Not when the other committee members include Susan Jensen, Pippa Moore, Jean Boyd and Heather McArthur.   We sit around a table with a big pot of tea and plot the present and future of the magazine.  We talk about events happening in Canada and things that inspire us.  We enjoy each other’s company.  Oh, and did I mention that only 3 of us are in one room?  That’s right, just Heather, Sue and I in Vancouver.  Pippa is over on Vancouver Island and Jean is in Ontario.  They join us by way of a telephone in the middle of the table.  However, they have assured us that they are sipping tea as well.

We were joined by another quilter this time.  Karen Christie is Heather’s assistant.  Hired just last week she tried her best not to look too overwhelmed by the topics that were swirling around like a whirlpool.

Monday’s meeting took up the entire day.  After saying goodbye to Pippa and Jean, we carried on with a planning meeting for the magazine’s quilting retreat, September 9th.  (information on the retreat can be found in the spring issue of Quilter’s Connection Magazine or online  It’s exciting to make plans for this fun event, obtain sponsors, arrange door prizes, and giggle about our exclusive service – sewing machine valets!  How special is that!

Lunch was another interesting affair.  For some reason we all though we had volunteered to bring salad, so we ended up with a very healthy meal!

Finally the best part of the day.  Testing out the “show me how” project for the summer issue.  I won’t give away too many secrets but it has to do with shaving cream and designing your own fabric.  The following photos show how much fun we were having.  Not only has Sue developed this for the magazine but she is also  teaching the technique to guilds and shops.  If you want to have a shaving cream party with incredible results you can contact Sue through her website

Heather taking pictures of each step for the magazine

Karen obviously enjoying her new job assignment

Beware of quilters bearing shaving cream!


  1. jill said,

    I’m very much planning on attending! Printed out my application today, and will mail it in tomorrow!
    fishskin fabric would also LOVE to sponsor or give some prizes!


  2. Susan J. Jensen said,

    Love this, can I put this on my blog, website and facebook!

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